The Interactive ALR
Cognate Search
Type in an English word or phrase to search through the ALR database for native equivalents in a range of languages. This feature will even return related phrases and sentences which contain a single search word: so a search for "man" will also find "old man", "white man", etc.
Interactive Linguistic Atlas
Under Construction
Instantly view the geographical distribution of native
terms from the ALR database.
Enter in a search term, and the Interactive Atlas
will scan the vocabularies and automatically plot the results on a map
of the Eastern seaboard. Only vocabularies collected on or near ancestral
tribal lands are included here: they are listed on our Atlas
master key.
Note that the Atlas only finds exact matches; a
search for "man" will only find "man" and not "old man", "white man" etc.
Linguistic Timeline Under Construction
Select a language, then enter an English word to see how it was variously recorded throughout the language's history.