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Numerals from Native American Vocabularies

General Information

While a few of the ancient languages of the Eastern Woodlands coastal region are still spoken today, the majority of them are either extinct or very nearly so. Moreover, many of the languages which became extinct early on were never well recorded, and so there is little of these to study except short collections of a few hundred words or less.

The contents of the various vocabularies of these languages vary: some contain mainly social terms, others trading terms and still others natural history terms. But in most cases, some numbers have been recorded, and so we provide these here as a good basis for comparing the languages.

We have also provided links to those vocabularies we have published in our ALR series, which can be accessed from this page by following the hypertext links at the desired vocabulary. Those not linked are not currently available in our ALR series.

Due to the limitations of the html format, all accents have been left out of the transcriptions for the sake of readability. Missing characters in the manuscript vocabularies are indicated by an underscore _. Languages are arranged geographically from north to south, northernmost languages at the top.
ALGONQUIAN author date one two three four five
Miami Thornton 1802 nggooteh niijueh nisthueh niiueh ilaanueh
Illinois Duponceau 1820 nicote nihsson nihssoni nihoni niaharangh
Shawnee Weiser 1755 belecko nishanu unuswi nehwy yalanu
Shawnee ? Eddleman 178? nequita nesway netheny narroway nollony
Shawnee Denny 1786 necootey neesway nethway neaway nalanway
Shawnee Ridout 1788 nicoutee nisswee theywe neawee nealanawey
Shawnee Johnston 1820 negote neshwa nithese newe nialinwe
Micmac (Souriquois) Lescarbot 1609 negout tabo chicht neou nan
Maliseet Stephens 1855 nac-quet ta-bo seest na-hoo naan
Etchemin Lescarbot 1609 bechkon nich nach iau prenchk
Massachusett Wood 1635 a quit nees nis yoaw abbona
Natick Trumbull 1903 nequt neese nish yaw napanna
Narragansett Williams 1643 nquit neesse nish yoh nepanna
Pequot Noyes 1679 nucqutt nau? nish yaw nuppaw
Pequot Stiles 1762 nuquut naez/neeze shweh yauh nuppau
Mohegan-Pequot Prince & Speck 1904 nequt nis ch'wi iaw nipau
Montauk Gardiner 1798 nucqut neeze nish iyeow nepau
Unquachog Jefferson 1791 nquit? nees nus yauh napaa
Mahican (Moravian) Schmick 1754 ngutte nesche nacha nawa nanane
Mahican (Stockbridge) Edwards 1788 ngwittoh neesoh noghhoh nauwoh nunon
Mahican Jefferson 1791 n-co-tah nu-shah na-hagh na-wagh nonun
Mahican Jefferson 1791 guttah ni-schah na-chah na-wah na-nan
Lenape (Minsi) Heckewelder 1816 gutti nischa nacha newa nalan
Lenape (Minsi) Jefferson 1791 gut-ti ni-scha na-che ne-we na-lan
Lenape (Moravian) Brinton & Anthony 1888 ngutti nischa nacha newo palenach
Lenape (Sanhican) DeLaet 1633 cotte nysse nacha wywe parenagh
Lenape (New Jersey) Madison 1792 guute niiska niiha naa pollinuuk
Lenape Weiser 1755 koty nisha naha nehwa beleanagh
Lenape Denny 1785 guttee nechshaa nochhaa nevaa paaleenough
Lenape (Jargon) Anonymous 1684 cutte nisha necca neuwa palenah
Lenape (Jargon) Holm 1696 ciutte nissa nacha naeuwo pareenach
Lenape (Jargon) Thomas 1698 kooty nisha nacha neo pelenach
Nanticoke (Choptank) Vans Murray 1792 nickquit na-eez nis (whu) yaugh (whu) nup-pai-a
Nanticoke Jefferson 1791 nuk-gut nus nischw iauch nep-pa-ie
Nanticoke Speck 1914 nokut nis nes yau nepaya'
Powhatan Smith 1614 necut ningh nuss yough paranske
Powhatan Strachey 1612  nekut ninge nousough yeough porance
Pamlico Lawson 1709  weembot neshinnauh nish-wonner yau-ooner umperren

IROQUOIAN author date one two three four five
Stadacona Cartier 1535 secada tigneni hasche hannaion oiuscon
Huron  Sagard-Theodat 1632 escate teni hachin dac ouyche
Huron  Potier 1920 skat tendi achienk ndak 8ich
Wyandot Weiser 1755 uscot tenty ashuck hanack uwisk
Wyandot   Johnston 1820 scat tin,dee shaight an,daght wee,ish
Wyandot  Walker 1852 skot tendee schenk n'dauhk oo weehsh
Mohawk Wassenaer 1624 honslat tegeni hasse kajeri wisk
Mohawk van den Bogaert 1635 onscat tiggeni asse cayere wisch
Mohawk Weiser 1755 huskat teckiny achson cayeary wisk
Mohawk  Vaughan? 1757 muscat tigany achsa kaery whisk
Mohawk  Edwards 1788 uskot teggeneh ohs kialeh wisk
Mohawk  Dwight 1836 oohskott tekkehnih ohson kuhyayrelih wissk
Mohawk Elliot 1845 easka tekeni aghsea kieri wisk
Oneida  Jefferson 1791 nu_cat teghin h__ cayeli huisc
Oneida Shearman 1845 ans cot da ga nee ha son ki ya lee wisk
Onondaga  Alsop 1666 unskat tegni achen gayeri wisk
Onondaga  Zeisberger 1760 skata tekeni achoo gajeri wisk
Onondaga  Jefferson 1791 skata tekeni achso gajeri wisk
Onondaga  Shea 1860 unskat tegni achen gayeri 8isk
Cayuga Elliot 1845 skat tekni segh kei wis
Seneca   War Department 1836 skaut ticknee shegh kaee wish
Mingo (Conestoga) Vaughan? 1757
tickhany auksheh kayih whisk
Susquehannock  Campanius 1696 onskat tiggene axe rajene wisck
Nottoway  Wood 1820 unte dekanee arsa hentag whisk
Tuscarora  Lawson 1709 unche necte ohs-sah untoc ouch-whe
Tuscarora  Vaughan? 1757 anchy neckaty anchou huntacht whisk
Tuscarora   Chew 1845 euh che nak te ah sunk kunh toh weesk

SIOUAN author date one two three four five
Tutelo Hale 1883 nons nomp lat, nan top kise
Tutelo Sapir 1913 blos nos na tu bi
Tutelo Frachtenberg 1913 nons kiseng sagom tup niswa
Catawba Gallatin 1836 dupunna naperra namunda purre-purra pukte-arra
Woccon Lawson 1709 tonne num-perra nam-mee punnum-punne webtau

UNCLASSIFIED author date one two three four five
Nansemond  Mooney 1907 nikatwin nakatwin nikwasati toisiaw' misha'naw
Pamunkey  Dalrymple  1858  nikkut  orijak  kiketock  mitture  nahnkitty 

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